Traffic Tickets / Speeding

Virginia speeding tickets are generally issued as infractions rather than crimes. However, some speeding tickets may be issued as misdemeanors. Unless a court appearance is mandatory, you can pay your fine before your scheduled court day. However, paying means you are pleading guilty, which can result in serious and costly consequences on your driving animatinprivileges and your insurance premiums.

DUI/DWI Defense

If you have been charged with a DUI, then the stakes are high. Even if it is your first offense or your situation is more serious, you need a competent and passionate defense attorney on your side who will immediately work diligently to keep you out of jail, challenge the prosecution’s evidence, reduce fines and preserve your license to drive.

Criminal Defense

Being charged with a criminal offense is not something to be messed with. You should contact your Virginia criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. From traffic crimes to drug crimes, we will assemble a competent and diligent team who will passionately represent your interest for the best results possible.

Cyber Crime

Cyber Crimes are on the rise, and the laws governing them are becoming more strict. In the privacy of your own home you may not even realize that what you are doing is a serious crime. Were you arrested in a police sting in which an undercover agent communicated with you through the Internet while pretending to be a minor? Were you arrested because the police seized a computer or cell phone that contains child pornography?

버지니아 형사법이나 교통법 상담을 원하십니까?

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하지만 변호사들은 전화를 못받을수있는 상황에서 일하는 경우가 많습니다. 그렇기때문에 바로 이밑에 있는 폼으로 연락하시는것이 전화보다 더 빠릅니다.
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** 변호사와 접촉이 제일 빠르고 확실한 방법: **
바로밑에있는 웹 폼 으로연락해 주세요. 웹 폼으로 보내신자료는 자동으로 변호사의 전화기로 빠르게 보내집니다.

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