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미법무부 (DOJ) 부장검사 출신 마크 래쉬 (변호사 경력 35년, 전직검사) 변호사가
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비상시에는 24시간/주말에도 상담이 가능합니다. 절대 비밀보장 해드립니다.

김기희 전직검사
김기희 변호사는 법률, 비즈니스 및 기술의 교차점에서 광범위한 경험을 가진 변호사입니다. 김기희 변호사는 30년 이상의 전자/사이버 증거 컨설팅, 기업 자문 및 사이버 보안 경력 을 보유하고 있으며, 25개 이상의 Am Law 100 고객, 50개 Fortune 500대 기업 및 상위 50개 미국 은행 중 5개 은행의 신뢰할 수 있는 고문 경험을 가진 변호사입니다.

마크 래쉬 전직 부장 검사
전 미국 법무부 검사인 마크 래쉬는 기업 및 정부 사이버 보안, 개인 정보 보호 및 사고 대응 분야에서 일하는 변호사 입니다. 그는 SAIC의 부사장, 법률 고문 및 최고 개인 정보 보호 및 데이터 보안 책임자를 역임한 후 Verizon Communications의 전최고 보안 변호사 로 근무했습니다입. 1983년부터 1992년까지 래쉬는 미국 법무부 부장검사로 근무했습니다

에릭 하젤리그 증거 고문
에릭 하젤리그 증거고문 는 경험이 풍부한 범죄 증거 분석가이자 Forensic 전문가입니다. 그는 버지니아 법의학부에서 법의학 과학자로 18년 동안 근무했습니다. 그는 현재 버지니아 커먼웰스 대학교(VCU)의 법의학부 조교수입니다.
Recent CASE Results
ATTORNEY ADVERTISING: Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each representation. Any results portrayed here were dependent on the facts of the particular matters and the results will differ if based on different facts.

client testimonials
Attorney Kim is awesome. I was in a terrible accident and knew that I needed an attorney to help fight a reckless driving ticket. I didn't know any lawyers so I searched on Google and found this gem. In hindsight, I genuinely think calling Atty Kim was the best decision I made in 2018.
What struck me about him was his professionalism and passion. He obviously enjoys and is phenomenal at what he does. I would highly recommend his services if you are in need of a great lawyer.
Daniel Kim was great. I am a college student and was about to receive my second reckless driving ticket. He was dedicated to my cause and knew it would look bad on my behalf with future employers. He worked hard to help me out. My case was reduced to speeding and I am grateful for Mr. Kim. I would definitely recommend.
I’d just like to say how grateful I am for Daniel Kim’s representation of me today. Being that this was my first time in that arena I cannot say how out of place and uncomfortable I was. I truly could not have made it without him. His professional demeanor and skill in the court room was superb. He reassured me that he would take care of everything. He told me that he would fight for me and he did. His mastery during the proceedings were critical to him winning the case. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone in need of his services.
Mr Kim was an excellent lawyer. He assisted me through the whole process and was very detailed in what the next steps were. He also laid out my options and how I wanted to move forward giving me his most professional advice. I recommend him to anyone looking for a lawyer.
I was going to start this review off with a bit of a background story, but if you’re looking for the punch line it’s that Kim is an amazing lawyer and an honest man. As a recent college graduate with fairly limited economic means I was lucky to have him as representation
He is the best the lawyer because he helped me in my case and he made my case dismissed even Though I didn’t expect that. Thank you Mr Daniel K .kim
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