버지니아 라우든 카운티 난폭운전 변호사

HELP IS AVAILABLE 24/7 – CONTACT US: 703-652-9090

버지니아 라우든 카운티 난폭운전 변호사

버지니아 난폭운전 교통 티켓은 단순한 교통 과속 티켓이 아닙니다. 이것은 형사법 경범죄 에서 제일 심각한 1급 경범죄 입니다. 예 – 흔하지는 않지만 감옥에 갈 위험도 있습니다. 1급 경범죄 위반으로 유죄 판결을 받을 경우 형벌은 최대 12개월의 징역, 2,500달러의 벌금 및 6개월 동안 버지니아에서 운전할 권리가 정지됩니다. 또한, 난폭운전은 DMV 운전 기록에서 6점 위반입니다.

난폭 운전 유죄 판결은 11년 동안 DMV 기록에 남고 귀하는 평생 범죄기록이 있는 전과자가되며 이범죄기록은 삭제될수없습니다.

경범죄라고 심각하지 않게 생각하시면 안됩니다. 버지니아 경범죄는 형사법 전과자를 만들며 전과기록은 미래의 이민, 직장, 대학원 진로에 불이득을 가져올 수 있습니다.

지금 무료 상담을 원하시면 703-652-9090 으로 전화하여 귀하에 대한 혐의, 가능한 방어 조치, 그리고 귀하가 직면하게 될 처벌에 대해 교통법 전문 변호사 와 상담 하십시오.

Loudoun County, Virginia Reckless Driving FAQs

What is Reckless Driving?

In the Commonwealth of Virginia, Reckless Driving is defined under the VA Code § 46.2-852 as irrespective of the maximum speeds permitted by law, any person who drives a vehicle on any highway recklessly or at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger the life, limb, or property of any person. A Virginia reckless driving ticket may be issued for any of the numerous behaviors specified as reckless in the following Virginia traffic code:

§ 46.2-853 Driving vehicle which is not under control; faulty brakes

§ 46.2-854 Passing on or at the crest of a grade or on a curve

§ 46.2-855 Driving with driver’s view obstructed or control impaired

§ 46.2-856 Passing two vehicles abreast

§ 46.2-857 Driving two abreast in a single lane

§ 46.2-858 Passing at a railroad grade crossing

§ 46.2-859 Passing a stopped school bus; prima facie evidence

§ 46.2-860 Failing to give proper signals

§ 46.2-861 Driving too fast for highway and traffic conditions

§ 46.2-861.1 Drivers to yield right-of-way or reduce speed when approaching stationary vehicles displaying certain warning lights on highways; penalties

§ 46.2-862 Exceeding speed limit – Driving 20 mph or more above the posted limit or in excess of 85 mph

§ 46.2-863 Failure to yield right-of-way

§ 46.2-864 Reckless driving on parking lots, etc.

§ 46.2-865 Racing; penalty

§ 46.2-865.1 Injuring another or causing the death of another while engaging in a race; penalties

§ 46.2-866 Racing; aiders or abettors

§ 46.2-867 Racing; seizure of motor vehicle

About Loudoun County General District Court

Courthouse Address

Loudoun General District Court

18 East Market Street
Leesburg, VA 20176-2828

Public Info: (703) 777-0312
Fax: (703) 771-5284  


Clerk & Office Hours:

Ms Carla Marie Clark
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Continuance Policy:

Traffic infractions & misdemeanors request at least 10 days prior to court date.
Criminal misdemeanors by a 48-hour motion.
Traffic and criminal felonies by a 48-hour motion.


Hon. Matthew Parke Snow, Presiding Judge
Hon. Lorrie Ann Sinclair Taylor, Presiding Judge
Hon. Deborah C. Welsh, Chief Judge
Hon. Jessica H. Foster

Loudoun County, VA Sheriff’s Office

803 Sycolin Road
Leesburg, VA 20175

Administrative Office: 703-777-0407
Emergency: 911

Non-Emergency: 703-777-1021
Contact a Recruiter: 703-771-LCSO (5276)

Narcotics Tip Line: 703-779-0552

Loudoun County Crime Solvers: 703-777-1919

Email: https://sheriff.loudoun.gov/4700/Citizen-Feedback
Michael L. Chapman, Loudoun County Sheriff
Email Michael Chapman

Town of Leesburg Police Department

65 Plaza St NE
Leesburg, VA 20176
Phone: (703) 771-4500
email: [email protected]
web: https://www.leesburgva.gov/departments/police

Gregory C. Brown, Chief of Police

Town of Purcellville Police Department

125 Hirst Road
Unit 7-A
Purcellville, VA 20132
Phone: 540-338-7422
Fax: 540-751-1697

Online Contact Form: Click here to contact us

Cynthia McAlister, Chief of Police

비상시에는 24시간 변호사 상담 가능합니다

Loudoun County, VA






Mr Kim was an excellent lawyer. He assisted me through the whole process and was very detailed in what the next steps were. He also laid out my options and how I wanted to move forward giving me his most professional advice. I recommend him to anyone looking for a lawyer.


Reckless Driving Defense, Google Review

I was going to start this review off with a bit of a background story, but if you’re looking for the punch line it’s that Kim is an amazing lawyer and an honest man. As a recent college graduate with fairly limited economic means I was lucky to have him as representation


Multi Car Accident Representation, AVVO Review

He is the best the lawyer because he helped me in my case and he made my case dismissed even Though I didn’t expect that. Thank you Mr Daniel K .kim


Reckless Driving Defense, Google Review